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10 April 2022 • Written By Virgiliu Andone

Mugello was teeming with an impressive collection of racing Alfa Romeos. And this can only mean one thing. It’s another round of the Alfa Revival Cup, a competition only open to our beloved Milanese brand.

Both the OKP Racing Club and its Italian sister, Alfa Delta, were out in force, fielding a fleet of white and red cars, driven by some very familiar faces. A full garage was manned by them and we, as always, felt very much as part of the family.

The boys in white ran an appropriately white GTAm and a GTA, one for Mathias and Fabian Körber, the other driven by Christan Ondrak. Mathias and Christian are the founders of OKP, the German company dedicated to keeping classic Alfas on the road in the best possible conditions. Racing is an integral part of their DNA and they never lose a chance to prove the quality of their products on track, facing the most adverse of conditions. It’s a fitting advert for the company, although we suspect it’s also maybe just a little bit of post rationalisation. These guys race just for the thrill of it, the fact that it adds to the reputation of the company being just a welcome bonus, not a goal in itself. The intensity with which they face a racing weekend speaks volumes about their true motivation and the role of racing in their personal identity, in the way they define themselves and their personality.

On a weekend when everything eventually worked in their favour, including a time penalty for the on the road leader, the number 85 Alfa Delta, shared by Roberto Restelli and Peter Bachoffen, won the race. A well deserved reward for getting everything right in changing weather conditions and with a race that was interrupted a number of times. The smiles from the podium dissipated in the garage and everyone felt on cloud nine, including ourselves. It was also proof that the effort that every member of the crew put in made everyone not just stronger, but also considerably happier. At the end of the day, that’s what really makes racing an Alfa Romeo just that bit extra special. It’s such a joy



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