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Gone Treasure Hunting


15 March 2022 • Written By Marius Pop

There’s an ancient spring tradition that takes places around Easter. Kids get to treasure hunt the coloured Easter eggs, hidden by their loving parents in the newly sprung grass. Given that it was somehow around Easter, we asked our friends at OKP if we could play a version of that game. Only this time, we will trade the scenic meadows that our parents might have chosen as the setting for the activity with something a little closer to our hearts.

We are, of course, talking about the cavernous treasure cove that is the OKP headquarters, just outside Munich. Hall after hall filled to the brim with Alfa goodness, from the new old stockl to the modern recreations, from those little hard to find details to the majestic exhaust systems, designed for those wo are anything but shy. After all, we were intent on channelling our inner child, so our exploration went on with the same levels of joy and curiosity that one might expect from the age of discovery. We went from the burble of the Ansa exhausts to the beautifully weighted wooden grip of a Nardi steering wheel.

Then we stopped by a stack of Brembo brakes, only to turn our heads around in search for the Bertone Coupe tail lights that would light up in perfect synchronicity with the brakes. A carbon bonnet reminded us that it’s not all about going old school. And an impressive collection of trophies got us dreaming of that winning feeling…

Behind every part is a story, a story that is never meant to end in the warehouse. It’s meant to bloom into a full fledged Alfa experience, into a feeling of being one with the machine, of experiencing the unique emotions that these wonderful machines bring out of their drivers and passengers alike.

In that sense, these Easter eggs have an edge over the traditional kind. These ones actually meant to hatch. And the results are nothing short of amazing.



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