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Fahrwerkskit Racing Alfetta GTV / 6 + Alfa 75

Fahrwerkskit Racing Alfetta GTV / 6 + Alfa 75

vorne 80 - 125 kg
hinten 60 kg

This full set includes 4 dampers and 4 coil-over springs and is adjustable in height. With this set you can lower the car independent on all 4 corners and adjust as you like.

The coils at the front are added to the original torsion bars on the car to reach the necessary stiffness.

For experimenting with different springrates you can also order all parts seperately. Althought you will get the best results by installing the complete set, you can also start of with buying the front or the rear seperatly.

The effect of installing stronger springs and shocks

The standard setting of springs and anti roll bars on any transaxle is set for comfort, i.e. too much comfort for performance driving. So the springs and anti roll bars are to soft for high performance driving.

Under cornering there will be weight transfer due to body roll. This has a great negative effect on the geometry of the alignment of the car. Left/Right corner combinations mean a lot of roll and as a result loss of time. Pitch and squat mean the car has difficulties in breaking and also sprinting of the line.

After you install bigger (read stronger) anti roll bars and you want more improvement, than you must think of springs and shocks.

Originally the Alfa Transaxle was fitted with rather soft springs for a relatively high comfort level. The front has a system of torsion bars which are rather progressive. So due to a lot of suspension travel, the torsion bars beef up to respectable spring rates for street driving. For trackday or race applications you want to reduce suspension travel as much as possible. So these torsions are in fact useless since under reduced suspension travel, the rate of these springs are no more than 30kg or 75pounds.

Koni and the likes
Back in pre historic times (in formula one 30 years is an endless time), koni and the likes saw the first transaxle, the alfetta 4cylinder and they developed shocks on that car. From driving the car in modern times we know, they never ever adjusted the design and even after the GTV4 and later GTV6 cylinder than the 75 (Milano s) had the same koni yellow or bilstein.
(btw koni s are not adjustable. The system is intended to compensate for wear of the shock in time).
Then the springs. For the rear there is a solution for a stronger spring. For the front options are limited to bigger bars from for example shankle. Most of the time people forget about the front spring for the convenience since there s no easy solution.
The result of a car fitted with these aftermarket spings/shocks combinations is a car that is only beefed up at the rear with technology of at least 30 years ago.

Our championship winning race Group A GTV6 is the proof that you don t make it with torsions alone in modern racing. The car has huge torsion bars but these are still assisted with 500 pound coilover springs.

So coilovers are the key to better handling and are the way to go to get a car that is in the league of a Porsche GT3RS and BMW M3CLS in terms of handling. So with our suspension systems the car is firm but not harsh. Has incredible amounts of grip and yes, is able to drive on two wheels in the corners with the right shoes.

With over 200 systems sold already, we can truly say this is the most popular system for releasing the potential of the Alfa Transaxle cars and bring it at the same level as modern reference sportscars.

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